Saturday, October 10, 2009

Luke's first bath and first walk

Here we are giving him his first bath.

My parents stayed in town all of last week and headed back to Oklahoma today.  They were able to see a lot of firsts with us and Luke, including our his first bath and his first walk with us.  I am breastfeeding and was completely against using a pacifier in the beginning, because I was worried it would affect his latch, but my mom thought it might help "pacify" him at certain times, so we thought we'd try it.  We're now using it when we change his diapers and we used it during his first bath--what a lifesaver.  I just hate hearing him cry and want to console him and make it all better, and this really seemed to do the trick.  It hasn't affected his latch at all. 

Just as content as can be during his first bath with his little pacifier from the hospital.  They gave him this pacifier with a little sugar water to suck on during his circumcision.

Being cooped up indoors for 4 days, I was extremely anxious to get some fresh air.  Unfortunately, it was barely 60 degrees, so we insulated Luke's stroller really well and then we all took him on a short, but nice walk.


  1. Oh my gosh, he is so cute!!! We are so happy to see a little of what you all have been up to and how things are going with him!! We are so glad he is here and healthy and can't wait to meet the little guy! I know what you mean about just needing to get out of the house! I bet it was nice for all of you to be able to take a walk! Glad the paci works for him and helps at those times where he just needs a little something! Hope you all have a great time with him, take lots of pics and hold him as much as you can, they grow up way too quick!! :)
    Uncle Ja and Aunt Emily

  2. Congratulations! We are so happy for your little family! It was nice that all of Luke's grandparents were there awaiting his birth. I bet Luke has already changed so much! We can't wait to meet him. We are glad you started this blog. We will be checking it often to see more pictures of cute, little Luke!

  3. Hi Heather!

    I am so happy for you and your husband. I am also glad to see that Luke is here and so healthy. I pray blessings over your household and please keep up the pictures and the blog. Don't you love our technology now a days?

