Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some Recent Pics

I was getting ready to take Luke for a walk---he was looking too cute so I had to grab the camera for a quick pic.

He was enjoying his tummy time and looking cute--so again, I had to grab the camera for a quick pic.  :-)

The obligatory after-the-bath hooded towel photo.

Here's Luke trying his very first sweet potatoes that mommy made him.   Daddy asks him to open wide before each bite, and I must say he does that very well! 

All Done!!!!  He REALLY likes his sweet potatoes.

We're trying to catch up on blog posts.  The pics above were from early March. Stay tuned for some pics and a blog post from our adventures in Houston last weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Luke with the hat--so cute! Heather, he looks so much like you when you were a baby. Can't wait to see you all soon!
