Friday, April 13, 2012

If you give a toddler some Play-Doh...

If you give a toddler some play-doh, he will want to make some fruit with it...

Then he will decide to make some veggies to go along with it...

After he makes the veggies, then he will want to create a game of matching fruits.  After he plays the game, then he will want to count how many matches he has...

After he counts the fruit matches, he will realize that the fruits look like circles....

Then, he will look in one of his books, Goodnight moon, for circle shapes and make objects that are in the book out of play-doh...

After he makes circle-shaped objects out of the book, Goodnight Moon, he will remember that we read the Bible story of David and Goliath three times last night.  So, he will want to get the Bible story book out.  After he sees a picture of a sun in one of the stories, he will want to make that out of play-doh, because it looks like a circle shape.  Then, he will need to make David out of Play-doh...

 After he makes David, he will need to make a giant to go along with him.

 and when he's all done....he will need to make some fruit because he realizes it is snack time.   

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