Thursday, September 20, 2012

We are headed to MD Anderson on Monday!!!

I can't believe I just typed that Blog Post Title!  It is true--exactly a week following my diagnosis, we will be headed to MD Anderson to meet with an awesome Breast Oncologist!  One of our great friend's half-sisters is actually a Director at MD Anderson and, thus, was able to move my appointment from October 2 to either this afternoon or Monday, September 24!!  And better yet--it is with one of her favorite breast Oncologists.  I couldn't ask for better timing.  When we visit her at noon on Monday, we will have had an ultrasound and mammogram on both breasts, left breast core biopsy and lymph node biopsy and pathology reports, BRAC Analysis (genetic testing), PET/CT, meeting with a Breast surgeon, as well as a meeting with a local Oncologist.  Whew!   I can't believe we will have accomplished all of this in one week since diagnosis.  Thank you Lord for helping all of this move so swiftly!!!  And, thank you to all of our friends who have helped us get all of these appointments so quickly!  I have heard that getting into MD Anderson with an appointment this soon is just unheard of, so thank you to all of you who helped make this possible.


  1. Heather & Drew:
    Matt R is like a son to us and Jo C. is our daughter-in-law who can be such a wonderful resource for you, as she was for me! It is so good to read that God is so swiftly laying out His path for you. Please call upon me as a fellow survivor anytime for all the practical tips that can help you get through treatment in the healthiest way. God is good all the time and your faith and positive attitude will take you through this journey. So glad you're journaling your journey....I did too and if it helps you, you can find at

    1. Thank you so much, Julie! I will check out your blog and I am sure I will find comfort in talking to you as a fellow survivor soon.

  2. What a blessing! MD Anderson is where I was treated and had the most amazing physicians. it will be a long journey but God had placed you in the best possible care....his hands and that facility. Praying for healing and for the doctors who will be treating you. My offer is still open, if you want or need to talk about treatment, chemo, or anything else I'm here for you. I know you have a lot of people in your life closer to you, but I am praying for you and your family.

    1. Prior post is from renée lombardo

    2. Thank you so much Renee for your offer to speak to you as a fellow survivor. I am sure I will want to take you up on your offer once I get through all of these initial appointments, etc. Thanks for your continued prayers for healing! :-)

  3. Uncle Steve and I are praying for God's complete healing for you Heather. We love you and Drew and your two precious children! So thankful you have a wonderful church family to come alongside you during this time---truly a testimony of a wonderful church!! So thankful Tom and Kathleen are close by to help during this time too! Have heard great things about M D Andersons!! May God be close to you and encourage you during this time. Love you all so much!!
