Monday, January 14, 2013

Not According to Our Plans

I love our church.  I cannot wait until we can actually attend again.  We currently have to stay home on Sundays so that we don't catch any of those nasty illnesses going around right now.  But, one of the things I am really looking forward to once this chemo treatment is complete is attending at our church home again, The Austin Stone Community Church.

The church's storytelling team produces some wonderful videos, that I always find so inspirational.  The most recent video, although about struggles with fertility, is one to which I can completely relate.  I can relate to the couple's struggle with situations out of our control, struggling with understanding our plans are not always the same as God's plans, and I can relate to their eventual understanding and appreciation of God's sovereignty.  I love this video, so I thought I would share.  Enjoy!


  1. Hi Heather....I woke up this morning with you on my mind! Just wanted to let you know that you are still in our amaze me with your positive attitude....your such a strong person! Please let me know if you need anything!

    Kerri Gentry-Reynolds

    1. Thank you so much Kerri for your continued thoughts and prayers. You are so kind--the thoughts and prayers mean so much! The countless prayers going up have continued to provide us with such peace and comfort. Plus, I am being healed! Thanks again!
