Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Surgery Planning

We are busy planning for my first of several breast cancer-related surgeries.   For those of you who are interested and for those who are praying specifically, here is the outlook for the next week or so:

Thursday, 2/21, 9am:  Pre-op with Plastic Surgeon (Dr. Haydon)
Friday, 2/22, 11:30: Pre-op with Breast Surgeon (Dr. Martinez)
Friday, 2/22, 4:30pm: Labwork at my oncologist's office
Wednesday, 2/27, 10am-ish: Surgery (bilateral mastectomy (left, modified radical and right mastectomy), with expanders.)

I believe the surgery will take 4-6 hours from start to finish.  I have never been under anesthesia for that long.  The plastic surgeon (which I met on Monday) said I will stay in the hospital for 1-2 nights.  He said that I won't be able to lift Abbey for 3-4 weeks, which should make life around our household quite interesting.  I was just thinking today about how frequently I lift her--it is quite a bit.  I lift her in and out of her crib for two naps daily.  I lift her out of bed in the morning.  I lift her into and out of her high chair several times per day.  Also, I lift her into her car seat (apparently, I won't be driving for a while anyway, so this probably isn't an issue).  Lastly, I carry her up the stairs (which she can climb, so I won't be doing that during my recovery period).  But, she hasn't attempted going down the stairs yet (nor do I think it is a great idea for her to try right now).  So, I currently have to carry her down the stairs as well.  I am not worried about the recovery, but I am trying to plan for it.  :-)

Following my two pre-op appointments, I will write a blog post that has more details about the surgery itself.  But, I wanted to give everyone an update this week on what lies ahead.  Thanks again for continuing to lift us up in prayer!  We're praying for miraculous healing--a complete pathological response!  We're also praying for a great surgery, with no complications, as well as speedy healing from that.  Thanks again!


  1. y'all let us know if you need anything at all. car rides or a sitter in the afternoons/evenings. is there a meal calendar up for y'all? we can at least bring some food. will be praying.

    1. Thank you so much, Frank, for your prayers and for your offers of sitting, car rides and a meal. You all are so kind! We do have a meal calendar for March. We can email you a link if you would like. :-)
