Thursday, January 16, 2014

Update to Prayer Requests

It has been a couple of days since those appointments I wrote about on Monday.  First, on Tuesday, I had my regular oncology appointment.  Everything went well.  I thought my oncologist would be scheduling a PET scan.  But, she said that she is going to wait a few months to schedule that, since many insurance carriers haven't been covering them as much lately.  So, I have my next PET scheduled for April 8, followed by a 3-month check-up with her again on the 22nd of April.  I am so thankful for appointments like that!  Easy peasy!

Now, on to my dad's appointment with his surgeon.  This appointment resulted in a lot more prayer requests.  You may remember that the appointment was originally scheduled back in December as a pre-op appointment for a hernia surgery scheduled for January 22nd.  But, my dad had a CT scan as a follow-up to an endoscopy/colonoscopy when a new stromal tumor (a rare cancer) was discovered.  The CT scan apparently indicated that the tumor on his stomach is actually over 8 cm wide.  It is larger than my dad initially thought after he spoke with the gastroenterologist.  The tumor is also in the same spot that his previous one from 11/2009 was located.  This means that surgery to remove it will be a little more difficult.  Also, as I mentioned in the previous prayer request post, there is also a spot on the liver.  Well, the surgeon thinks it possible there may be some cancer on the other side of the liver as well.  In addition, because the cancer on the liver is so close to the spleen, his spleen may need to be removed.  Lastly, they noticed on the CT that he has gall stones, which means his gall bladder will need to be removed.  All of this is priority over the hernia surgery.  If the surgeon has time, he will also repair the hernia;  apparently, that is a 30-minute, simple procedure.  The surgeon told my dad at the end of the appointment that he hopes he can give him a few more years of life by successfully completing this operation.  We know that God is sovereign.  Only He knows our beginning and our end.  He designed all of this for a reason.  He will be glorified in it.  Please pray with me that his surgeon is able to remove all of the cancer and it is no worse than the CT has shown.  And, it would be nice if he could repair the hernia while he was in there.  My dad's recovery is going to be a lot more difficult than the previous one.  Please pray for peace for both of my parents during this time.  Also, please pray that all of the work at their embroidery business gets completed with very little stress.

I am planning on heading up to Oklahoma on Tuesday morning (sans kiddos, thanks to Drew's parents), so that I can help out in whatever way I am needed.   Again, his surgery is on Wednesday morning.   Please pray for safe travels, especially since I will be driving alone.   Also, please pray that everything back home with Drew's parents and the kids goes well.  I sure will miss my family, but also, can't imagine not being there to help my parents during this time.  I REALLY want to be there.  So, I am very thankful for Drew's parents who have offered to take care of the kids during the day while I am away.   Thank you, once again, prayer warriors, for your fervent prayers.

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