Thursday, July 10, 2014

That Belly Button

Abbey loves her belly button.  She has since the day she could control her hand enough to locate the belly button with it.

Here are a few photos of Abbey and her beloved belly button over the past year and a half or so.

even in daddy's arms, she is attempting to locate her belly button.

the relaxed belly button posture

the "racing belly button posture"

the "investigative belly button posture"

the "comforting belly button posture"

the "bath-time belly button posture"

the "bluebonnet belly button posture"

And here is a photo from last weekend:

the "exposed and loving it belly button posture"
I hope she doesn't make it deeper than it already is.  I wonder when the love for that belly button will cease?  I don't want it to, I am just curious.

You want to know something funny?  Drew had a very close, loving relationship with his belly button as a youngster as well.  It is funny to see traits like that pass down from one generation to the next.

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