Thursday, December 15, 2022

December Updates, including PET Scan results

Italy, Holidays and a Pet Scan, oh my!! It's been so long since my last post, because life has been extremely busy in our house. First, we had an amazing adventure in Italy at the beginning of October, traveling to Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre, Milan and Venice. The kids studied all about ancient Rome, Michelangelo, Leonardo and more before our trip.  It was a pretty awesome field trip, seeing in person all of the things, the remnants of history and art we had learned about.

When we returned, life seemed to speed up even more as we squeezed in all our regular activities, like basketball practice, field trips, history co-op and science group, as well as piano lessons, theater and choir.  Then, we had Halloween and all the fun fall activities that surround that.


And since then we've traveled to Oklahoma, played lots of basketball, Abbey performed in two plays and began the Christmas season and all the fun that's involved with that.

Abbey broke her wrist last week, so she will miss playing basketball for 4 weeks.  But, Luke had a tournament this weekend and they were named champions of their division.

This week has included tons of fun also, but there are way too many photos to post.  Maybe I will do a Christmas season post in January.  One exciting thing that happened on Monday is that I had a PET scan.  This is my first PET scan since June.  In June, is when I found out my cancer had spread to my bones, liver, lymph nodes all over my body and right chest pleural area.We've only been monitoring progress via the markers (CA 15-3 and CA 27-29), which are checked at my bloodwork appointments every two weeks.  My markers have gone down slightly, but my oncologist would say they indicate my cancer is fairly stable.  This is a good thing.  But, she says at any point, in her experience, cancer can spread rapidly, so we need a good way to monitor.  There is no way really of knowing whether the markers are indicating cancer shrinking, stability or spreading unless we line the up with something else---like PET scan results.  So, my oncologist (and of course I) were really looking forward to these PET scan results this week. Here is the impression from my June PET scan:


I am praising the Lord because the cancer is going away!! Check out my PET scan results from Monday.

Thanks to all the prayer warriors out there! To God be the Glory! On Monday, all day and during my PET scan I had absolutely no fear at all, and felt completely at peace.  I attribute that to the Holy Spirit and all the people who knew about my scan and were praying for me. 

How am I feeling though? I actually am feeling wonderful. The only complaints I have right now are lower lumbar pain and sacrum pain, which surprisingly has gotten worse.  I say surprisingly, because apparently that cancer is smaller than when I had a scan in June.  I pray that it will continue to shrink and go away completely!

I pray everyone has a wonderful Christmas season celebrating Jesus birth with their friends and family.

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