Sunday, May 26, 2013


Here is a short and sweet post:   just some random photos from this weekend so far.

Drew and I had WAY too much fun taking pictures of bubbles. We made a fun game trying to manually focus on the bubble, which was floating unpredictably through the air, and snap the picture before Luke popped it.  We are nerds.

Abbey strutted around the house like a little diva.

And I am saying goodbye to my girlfriends--the ones that are taking up WAY too much space in my bathroom.  That's right, I am hoping I wore a wig for the last time last Tuesday.  Time to pack up the gals (wigs) and store them away (or donate them to someone else in need). I don't really have any good photos of my "hairdo" to share.   But here is one Drew snapped of Abbey and I at a birthday party this weekend.  I have no idea how to style short crazy wavy hair.  So, I just run my fingers through it with a bit of gel, throw on a headband and hope it looks alright.

1 comment:

  1. The bubble pictures are super cool! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!
