Luke Thomas arrived on Sunday, October 4, at 4:34am in Labor & Delivery Room 4 (we're guessing 4 is his favorite number). He weighed exactly 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. On Friday, October 2, I had a very strong feeling he was coming very soon. In fact, it was so strong that my parents even thought about heading into town from Oklahoma that night. Niagara Falls relocated to our bedroom (translation: my water broke) at 2:08pm on Saturday, just after I arrived home from working on a house we are getting ready to rent out. Drew was still at the rental house planting bushes in the rain. I called him once I was able to run to the phone, conveniently located on the other side of the house. He hurried home, took a quick shower and we headed to the hospital. Both sets of parents, and Drew's sister, Erica, along with our nephew, Mitchell, hurried into town to be present for the birth. We arrived to the hospital around 3:15pm; contractions started not too long after--around 4:30pm--and progressed very quickly. Contractions were about every 2-2.5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each--not what I expected. After many hours of intense pain, I elected to have the epidural--at this point, I was 100% effaced and 7cm dilated (around 10pm). I was complete--10cm--around 12:30am, but unable to push until my doctor completed a c-section. I started pushing around 2:30am, and Luke was born about 2 hours later. Pushing was not easy, as Luke was in a less desirable posterior (face up) position, and we had a scare as the doc had to remove the cord from his neck while he was still inside me (it was wrapped around his neck twice, cutting off his oxygen supply).
We love you little Luke and are so happy you have arrived to be part of our family. If you would like to see more pictures, we have posted many pictures of little Luke and will continually add more here:
http://picasaweb.google.com/purdrew/BabyLuke# .
Here are the our moms (mimi and Grandma) and Drew's dad (papa) waiting outside the Labor & Delivery Room Door. Below is Grandpa & Grandpa with Luke just before we left the hospital.
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