Luke is growing so quickly!! I weighed him this morning and he weighed 9 lbs and 12.5 ounces. I just can't believe how much weight he puts on each week. Because he is growing so quickly, I had to buy him some new clothes. He's now out of his newborn clothes and wearing 0-3 months clothes. At the rate he is growing though, I'm afraid he won't get a lot of wear out of these. They have some pretty cute clothes for little babies. I bought him a little Nike warm-up athletic outfit, and I also bought him some "little man" clothes. Here he is posing in what I call "little man" clothes:
We are beginning to get into more of a routine. He has been sleeping about 4-5 hours during the first part of the night on most nights--but is a little difficult to get back to sleep after that. So, Drew and I are now trying to get on his schedule so that we can also get 4-5 hours of sleep at night. One thing I know for sure about his the mornings after he eats, he likes to play under his musical jungle gym and look at the big black box with all of the moving colors and shapes (the TV). Here is a picture of him doing just that!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Who does Luke most resemble?
When you have a baby, usually the first thing people say when they see him/her for the first time is, "Oh..he/she looks just like 'fill in the blank with mom or dad.'" Of course, we think he looks like a combination of both of us. When I look at Luke though, I see Drew most often. So, we thought we'd try out blogger's poll feature and post a poll...who does Luke most resemble? We have posted some baby pictures of each of us, and the poll is located on the top right hand side of our blog....have fun!!
Cast your votes....
Luke has a New Cousin...and...Luke's 6 weeks old update
The past two weeks have been very busy. Luke's newest cousin was born on November 5, 2009--just one month and a day after him. My brother, Jeremy, and his wife, Brandy, are new parents to Traber Jackson. He's a cutie, weighing in at 6 lbs, 12 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. It will be so fun for Luke to have a cousin so close in age to him. We get to meet Mr. Traber in just a week and Luke will get to meet all of his other Oklahoma cousins/aunts/uncles then as well. We are very excited to see everyone!!
Welcome, Traber Jackson...we can't wait to meet you!
Here are two more of Luke's cousins, Brody and Lilly, looking at Traber as he first arrived to the nursery.
Luke has grown quite a bit and is now about 9 lbs. We're not sure how long he is, but he seems to be growing longer every day--I'm guessing he's at least 22 inches long. Some recent milestones include his first "coo" sounds and even a smile (while awake). He smiles a lot in his sleep, and I have seen gas smiles, but we saw our first genuine happy smile yesterday. He loves his musical gym--we have it placed in front of our TV though and he may like the TV even more. When we lay him under the gym, he loves watching all of the changing pictures and colors on the television. He bats his arms at the objects on the musical gym above him, and can turn on the music by hitting at the animals. Here are some recent pictures of him (I had to include one from Halloween that we didn't post in the last post, because it is just too cute--he's in his car seat, dressed as a monkey, and his car seat happens to have monkey strap covers.)
He enjoys just chillin'.
Luke's Mimi and Papa came to visit us this weekend and he enjoyed spending some cuddle time and play time with them. Here are some pics with his Mimi and Papa:
They bought him this super cute outfit, along with a few others--we just had to put on these overalls and take a picture.
Here are two more of Luke's cousins, Brody and Lilly, looking at Traber as he first arrived to the nursery.
Luke has grown quite a bit and is now about 9 lbs. We're not sure how long he is, but he seems to be growing longer every day--I'm guessing he's at least 22 inches long. Some recent milestones include his first "coo" sounds and even a smile (while awake). He smiles a lot in his sleep, and I have seen gas smiles, but we saw our first genuine happy smile yesterday. He loves his musical gym--we have it placed in front of our TV though and he may like the TV even more. When we lay him under the gym, he loves watching all of the changing pictures and colors on the television. He bats his arms at the objects on the musical gym above him, and can turn on the music by hitting at the animals. Here are some recent pictures of him (I had to include one from Halloween that we didn't post in the last post, because it is just too cute--he's in his car seat, dressed as a monkey, and his car seat happens to have monkey strap covers.)
He enjoys just chillin'.
Luke's Mimi and Papa came to visit us this weekend and he enjoyed spending some cuddle time and play time with them. Here are some pics with his Mimi and Papa:
They bought him this super cute outfit, along with a few others--we just had to put on these overalls and take a picture.
We took Luke to church for the first time today. His doctor didn't want him to go until he was 6 weeks old, because of all of the illnesses going around. Due to his size, he said it would be harder for him to fight something if he caught it. Plus, our church has about 1000 people in a gymnasium at each service, so it was probably a good idea to avoid the large crowd during the first few weeks. Here, Drew's parents took a picture of us outside of our house after church.
It was a great weekend with Mimi and Papa--we're looking forward to spending time with them again soon.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
4 weeks old, Luke's first Halloween & Picture day!
Luke is 4 weeks old today! I can't believe how quickly time flies. He is staying awake a little more each day. We tried out the Baby Bjorn carrier the other day. Luke likes to be held a lot, so mommy thought it would be a good idea to try this out to give her a couple of free hands for a little while and let Luke observe his surroundings. He LOVED it! He especially likes looking at the bathroom vanity lights. It is so fun to watch him take in new things for the first time.
We received a coupon in the mail the other day from Sears portrait studio. It's amazing how much new mail you begin receiving once companies find out you have a newborn. I'm not sure how we got on so many mailing lists. Anyway, we decided it would be a great time to get Luke's first formal pictures so we can cherish the memories and save a little money at the same time. It was a little difficult to keep him comfortable with so many outfit changes, but we did get a few really good pictures. Here are some below, but we also have posted some on our picasaweb picture folder:

We received a coupon in the mail the other day from Sears portrait studio. It's amazing how much new mail you begin receiving once companies find out you have a newborn. I'm not sure how we got on so many mailing lists. Anyway, we decided it would be a great time to get Luke's first formal pictures so we can cherish the memories and save a little money at the same time. It was a little difficult to keep him comfortable with so many outfit changes, but we did get a few really good pictures. Here are some below, but we also have posted some on our picasaweb picture folder:
Our First Formal Family Photo

Luke was not happy about picture day at first (he was very happy and cozy in his car seat before we took him out for pictures.)

Here he is in his monkey Halloween costume.

We actually got a little smile out of him while he was sleeping (the picture was snapped at just the right moment).

Getting a kiss from mommy

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