Luke turned 6 months old on Easter! We just can't believe how fast time seems to be going by.
Here is what Luke is up to:
- He weighs 6 pounds 9 ounces and is 25.5 inches long. His head circumference is 17 inches.
- Luke loves food--any kind of food. Of course, his favorite is mommy's milk, but besides that, his number one solid is sweet potatoes. He has also tried rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, peas, applesauce, and avocado. His least favorite of these is avocado. He is so funny when you feed him. When he is ready for his next bite, he opens his mouth really wide, like a little bird.
- He sits up on his own. It is so much fun to watch him sit on the floor and play with his toys. He is becoming a lot less helpless, as he can reach for toys he enjoys and plays with them without needing mommy or daddy to find them and give them to him.
- He rolls over. He enjoys sitting a lot more than laying on his back or belly though.
- He's growing hair! Although, we laugh because of the pattern in which his hair is growing on his head. It is like reverse male-pattern baldness in that it is growing from the back and sides, up to the top and front.
- He said his first word a couple of weeks ago--it was "Moo." (Drew and I have been making this sound with him when we play with his stuffed cow and Luke has been watching our mouths as we make the sound. He decided to copy of of us.) He has been talking non-stop for several months now. But, he is so polite about it. When there are several people in the room speaking, he remains quiet--almost like he is "waiting his turn". Then, when it is quiet, he jabbers. Initially, he would speak mainly vowel sounds, but he has been combining them with consonants lately.
- He selects toys and moves them from one hand to the other.
- He enjoys objects with buttons and lights---like cell phones, remote controls, etc. That is why the Easter bunny brought him his own little toy cell phone. I think it is one of his new favorite toys.
- He loves to hug and kiss his stuffed animals. Luke is such a loving little boy!
- He reaches into bowls, or toys and pulls objects out. Or, alternatively, he dumps them out.
- Some of his first books were the touchy-feely books. Even when he was just a few months old, he would scratch at and feel the various textures on the books. Now, he does that to every book (not just the touch-feely kind) and has begun to do the same cute scratchy motion on other fabrics and textures.
- He's extremely social! He doesn't know a stranger. I know experts say though that 6-months is usually the age that baby's begin to get "stranger anxiety"--we'll see.
- He's enjoying playing peek-a-boo.
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