Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Been A While--well, at least in baby time!

Although I believe it has only been a couple of weeks since our last post, a LOT has happened around our household.  I am really starting to learn that baby-time goes by more than twice as fast as adult time.  One day, Luke is a rolly-polly, the next day he is a crawler, and then, LITERALLY, the next day he is pulling up and then cruising around the furniture!  So now, I wish time would slow down just a little bit--my baby is turning into a little boy!!!

I am finding that he is either in an explorer stage that nearly every baby goes through, or HE IS AN EXPLORER for good.  I am pretty sure he may follow his daddy and become an engineer someday.  He likes to really study things, like he is trying to figure out how they work.  Of course, he is also attracted to everything that he is not supposed to touch or play with! Here's an example...  Luke has learned a new speed of crawling....I'm calling it Luke's hyper-crawl speed.  He is very cunning, in that when he decides to pursue something he is not supposed to, he uses great skill and tactic.  He first lures us away by getting us to follow him in some other direction.  Then, he turns around very quickly and makes a bee-line towards the object he is not supposed to be around.  We are going to have to take some video of this, because it is hilarious.  Lately, he has been fascinated with plugs and outlets.  He wants to pull the outlet covers out and would love to stick his little fingers into the outlets without covers--not good.  Why can't he be more interested in blocks, or something that is safe?  He also really wants to go DOWN the stairs.  When playing upstairs, he often distracts us while playing so he can move into hyper-crawl mode to go towards the stairs.   And, he is so fast, that, although we were playing right beside him, we barely grabbed him in time before he went down the stairs.  Scary stuff. 

What else is he up to?

  • So, Luke is also LOVING that he can cruise around the furniture.  He has even gotten brave enough to stand without hands and even transfer from one piece of furniture to another.  
  • His favorite words right now are mama and dada.  When he is REALLY happy, his favorite words are "eeeeeeeeee" and "ya ya ya ya."  When he is not so happy or is frustrated, his favorite word is "na na na na na"
  • He loves to sing and clap.
  • He is TEETHING like crazy!

Our little boy has 5 teeth and an additional one that is peeking out of the gumline and will probably be completely out within a couple of days.  So, another one of his pastimes is chewing on anything he can put in his mouth.  I discovered today that this includes his bed.  Drew normally goes upstairs and gets him around 5:30am when he wants to eat and then I feed him.  So, it is dark when he picks him up during those wee hours and he hasn't noticed the bite marks that Luke must have recently put on the bed.  Luke must have secretly gotten up in the middle of the night and done this (and recently), because we have a video monitor and didn't notice.

Other than keeping VERY busy with Luke and with work for both of us, we also had the pleasure of having visits from family the past two weeks.  We love any opportunity that we get to have visitors to our house--especially family.

Two weekends ago, my parents visited us.  We had lots of fun with them, both running around town and just hanging out at the house.  Here are some pics:

Then, this past weekend, Drew's parents came for a visit.  We had lots of fun with them as well.  We did some shopping, eating out, and also just hung out at home as Luke entertained us.  Here is a great pic of them on Sunday before they headed back to Sugar Land.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Luke is learning a lot of things! It seems like the older they get, the faster the time goes. We had the same problem with the crib during Lilly's teething stage. I sewed up a cover to put around the crib rail and that solved the problem. Luke has such a sweet smile, he seems to be happy all the time. He is well-loved!
