Thursday, August 1, 2013

I am having surgery next week!

Can you believe that title?   I know that was not something I was expecting to hear today.  It all started because my physical therapist really encouraged me today to send a photo of my wound on my left breast incision to my plastic surgeon's office.  I had gone in around a month ago to have some of the fluid removed from the expander, since a small hole near the incision site began oozing.  My plastic surgeon didn't seemed concerned about it at all, and said it should heal since he relieved some of the pressure on the incision.  I asked if there was anything I should be watching for that would indicate I needed to notify them.  He said he was not concerned at all about infections, etc, and it should heal on its own with no intervention.

Fast forward to today...the hole has gotten deeper.  My physical therapist thinks we can see the actual expander through the small layer of skin covering the wound.  It doesn't look good.  A couple of hours after I sent the emailed photo to the nurse at my plastic surgeon's office, I received a call from her.  She called me to let me know that my surgeon wants me to have surgery as soon as possible (which we thought would be Monday).  Apparently, this is pretty serious.  They need to remove the expanders ASAP.  So, it looks like I will be having my exchange surgery for implants MUCH sooner than expected.  Originally, I was planning on having the surgery 6 months following radiation (which was going to be around the end of November).  Then, the last time I saw my plastic surgeon, he mentioned that he thought we would be fine to have the exchange surgery at the end of October.  Now it will be next week!   I have SO many questions, so I am hoping that I get an opportunity to speak with him prior to surgery day.  He is a very nice, compassionate physician, so I am sure he would be happy to speak to me--even if it is over the phone.

The earliest I am able to get in for surgery is Wednesday of next week (8/7).  The surgeon and hospitals are booked up until then.  So, in the meantime, I have to have a couple of interventions to prevent this issue from getting really bad.  I am going to begin a prophylactic antibiotic immediately.  Also, they are going to dress the wound up with something called tegaderm tomorrow morning to try to prevent it from getting worse.

The surgery itself sounds like it will be outpatient, which is nice.  I shouldn't have any drain tubes, which is also nice.  However, from now up until at least two weeks after surgery, I have been instructed to "take it easy."  This is so tough with two small kids--one who is rather large and still needs to be lifted in and out of bed, in and out of her car seat, grocery carts and her high chair.  I will have lifting restrictions until about two weeks after surgery, and then they will hopefully be lifted.

As you can imagine, it is difficult planning for an emergency surgery.  So, we would appreciate prayers that this all works out well.  I want to be able to take care of my family.  I want to be well.  I know that God has everything under control, but your prayers for peace, wisdom for the physicians, and healing of my body are much appreciated.  I just started back up the Tamoxifen, and I will need to go off the medication for a few days around surgery, since it can cause blood clots.  Please pray my hives situation resolves.  It really has greatly improved, so I am hopeful that it is resolving.  My sleep increases a little each night, which is wonderful!  Of course, I am heavily medicated for the hives, so I need to find out whether I need to discontinue any of those medications prior to surgery as well.

Thank you faithful prayer warriors for continuing to battle with our family!  :-)

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