This weekend was a lot different than our weekend one year ago.
Last year (September 14-16, 2012):
Last year, we were coming to terms with the likelihood that I had advanced stage breast cancer. I was told that I had to wean my daughter, who was exclusively breastfeeding and only a little over 8 months old. Neither of us were nearly ready for that, as I planned on extended breastfeeding with her. Not only that, but I had an awful bout of bronchitis as well. There were a lot of tears shed that weekend.
Last year, we were unable to attend the 3rd birthday party of one of the little girls in our community group due to me being ill and all of us just dealing with cancer now entering the picture. I wrote a blog post on Saturday of that weekend and asked for prayers of all friends and family. On Sunday of that weekend in 2012, we began to feel the peace of God come over us....a peace that surpasses all evidence of the covering in prayer.
This past weekend:
This past weekend was vastly different. It started off completely awesome, as Drew's management team gave his team the Friday off! On Saturday, we celebrated that friend's 4th birthday party. On Sunday, we enjoyed the Lord's day, marveled in his creation and simply celebrated life together as a family. No tears were shed. But, there were a ton of smiles! Here are some photos of our joyous weekend together.
First, on Saturday morning Drew and Luke built a tent together at a super-cool store, called "
Techshop." This place offers memberships for their facility, which includes laser cutters, plastics and electronics labs, a machine shop, a wood shop, a metal working shop, a textiles departments, welding stations and a waterjet cutter. Members have open access to all of their equipment and design software as well. We took a tour of the place last weekend (they offered free delicious food) and then we were offered by one of the owners a free workshop to make a backyard tent this weekend. So, Drew and Luke had some fun father-son tent-building time, while I stayed home with Abbey for her nap.
Drew snapped a quick photo of Luke painting on the tent. Doesn't Luke look so cute in his safety glasses and apron? |
Luke's tent. He also made some cool wooden shadow puppets with a laser cutter. |
The other side of the tent. |
Later, we headed to Krystal's birthday party.
The glowing birthday princess |
Blowing out her #4 candle! I love how the little boy next to her is also blowing, as if to help. |
Abbey enjoyed the special birthday treats!
Luke made sure to secure a seat near the birthday treats. |
Giving mommy her little endearing look...along with a little cake face. |
The kids (boys and girls) loved the balloon knight swords. |
We won't tell anyone that Luke took a break from the knightly sword fight to play with the little princess castle and princesses. |
We went on a hike on Sunday. Both of our kids LOVE exploring, which makes me VERY happy. We will be outside every weekend this fall exploring some fun spots. I can't wait!
Look who's always leading the way... |
"Hey guys, come on over here!"
Daddy's girl! |
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