Last week, we decided to make our school lessons strawberry-related since we decided (sort of last minute) to go to Sweetberry Farms to do some strawberry picking. The kids really enjoyed all of the fun seatwork we found here:
The fun lesson pack was geared towards kindergarten/first grade, but I was able to adapt it for Abbey as well.
There were so many fun activities, like this "color by sight-word" coloring page. |
And it seems we can always find a way to bring legos into our schooling. One morning last week, we used Lego figures for our mathwork.
On Thursday, we made the beautiful drive to the farm to pick the strawberries. I was in awe of the beauty of the spring landscape all along the way. I saw so many beautiful wildflowers and scenery; and honestly, if the kids were not with me, I would have stopped many times to take pictures of the beauty so I could share with Drew. It truly was breathtaking!
We had a lot of fun at the strawberry farm picking strawberries. Here are some of the photos of our little adventure.
there were plenty of strawberries to pick! |
trying to decide on the best ones to pick... |
Look at that concentration! |
She looks pretty proud of her find, doesn't she? |
Another big juicy strawberry! |
It took quite the planning to find the perfect row, because on each end of most rows was a ton of mud. I finally found a great row and a way to maneuver around the very deep mud that was at the end of it. We worked our way to the middle of the row and began picking. A few minutes later, I decided to step over the row we were on to the next row. I brought Abbey along with me. I figured that way we could cover more area and get the best strawberries in the middle (and dry area) of both rows. We were picking strawberries for about a minute in that new row and I looked up suddenly to find Luke at the end of our row stuck in mud. Both feet were almost entirely covered in mud. I guess he heard Abbey and I's "oooooo's" and "ahhhh's" over the beauties we were finding on our row and he felt he was missing out. He must have gone back down the original row we entered rapidly and tried to trek up the very muddy entry of the row we were on at lightning speed, because we weren't on that row long at all before we saw him stuck. I literally had to pull him out of the mud, because he couldn't move his feet.
Only the very tops of his white shoes were untouched by the mud. Oh, boys! |
Muddy hands and strawberries |
She looks up to her big brother. It looks like she is trying to copy him in this picture. :-) |
Abbey was really distracted during the strawberry picking because she kept hearing the goats. She was excited to see them. So, we picked quickly and then went over to visit them. Poor goats. Luke and Abbey were afraid to get too close with the grass they picked (in hopes to feed them). This was as close as Luke got. :-) He threw the blades of grass at the goat, hoping one might land in its mouth. Ha! |
He has a pitiful, "feed me" look. |
And, of course, we had to finish our trip with some jumping on the big bouncy pillow. |
Abbey had to take a little rest and check out other people. |
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