The weather is beginning to change, bringing cooler temperatures to us--which means we are spending more and more time outdoors. We are most definitely a family that loves the outdoors, and in central Texas, it's hard not to want to spend 100% of the day outside from October through May! Here are some photos from some of our time spent outdoor this month.
We have been seeing so many butterflies in our yard lately--and they are all so gorgeous in a variety of colors--orange, yellow, white, blue, and black. But none were as pretty as this one that I found recently...
There is a beautiful park and trail behind our home, and we spend a lot of time there.
We decided to bring our horseshoes to the park this past Friday night to teach the kids how to play. They loved it and both were determined to get the horseshoe around the post.
We have been spending a lot of time hiking as well.
On Saturday--it was a rare occasion where Abbey led the way for a bit. |
And, we've had fun just exploring our town.
and swinging...
Luke has been really enjoying his first baseball season. And the weather has been very nice for it.
Abbey enjoys frolicking through our yard being a girly girl.
We visited a pumpkin patch last week with some of our homeschool friends.
The kids learned how to remove the corn kernels using an old tool. |
They found it was very difficult and took a lot of muscles. |
Abbey found out pumping water for this little race took lots of muscles too. One of our mom friends exclaimed during the race, "Abbey you are going to have some big guns after this." After this activity, Abbey asked me, "I wonder what activity we are going to do next. I think it has something to do with shooting. Bella's mom told me I was going to have some bigs guns after that race I just did." Ha! So, I had to explain to Abbey what "having big guns" meant.
We have been having lots of meals outside on our picnic table.
And we have been spending lots of time at the creek....walking or biking there.
family bike ride to the creek. |
climbing near the creek with friends |
While Drew and Luke attended a fun monster truck rally near our home over his birthday weekend, Abbey and I went to a park and played together. |
We participated in a fun "Country Run" 5k near our home too recently. |
We had a blast and I was surprised at how much of the race Abbey ran. She said she wanted to "win". We had to break it to her that we weren't going to win. |
fun on the trampoline. |
Our neighbor let the kids ride some of their ponies. |
One day while Luke was practicing baseball in our backyard, Abbey decided she wanted some turns hitting. Perhaps she will sign up for tee ball. |
We have been enjoying doing science experiments with friends outside. |
And the month is just halfway finished. We have lots more outdoor fun planned for the rest of the month as well.
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