Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I'm Back!

Hello blogging world!  I am finally back after taking about a month off.  My schedule has been COMPLETELY full and I have barely had time to breath.  But, I have decided that this is just too important to not make time for.  God has given this to me as a gift.  And boy, I have felt like it really has been a gift to me.  I have gone back many times and read posts and been uplifted reading about the things God has brought me through.  If I hadn't documented, it may be so easy to forget.  Easy to forget those feelings and emotions attached to the circumstances.  Also, it has been a great way to look at the growth in our children--physically, emotionally and spiritually.  So, with all that said, I AM BACK!

I am planning on trying to make more regular time in my schedule for this.  I may be typing posts late at night or in the wee hours of the morning before the kids awake, but it is so worth it. 

Since I last posted, we moved!   That is the biggest reason why I have not posted in a long while.  Moving is WAY more difficult with small kiddos, people!  This is especially the case when you homeschool and literally have no time alone to complete moving-related tasks.  I didn't really understand until I was deep in it.   We got out of our routines.  Abbey's afternoon naps began dwindling down due to many house showings and errand-running.  I didn't pick up our camera much at all.   Meal planning became somewhat pointless for a while there, because we would have meals planned, but no time to prepare due to showings.  Then, the moving process made it difficult to cook meals at home.  Our homeschooling style changed drastically and our formal curriculum got put aside while I looked for moments throughout the day to teach using real life lessons.  And, I loved that so much and it just make sense for us, that I am totally changing curriculum to align with this style. Now, finally, we are getting back into our routines.  I have to add: we couldn't have done the actual move from our old house to our new without the amazing help of Drew's parents!!  They were an immense blessing and we really can't thank them enough!

Luke doing some "Art", "handwriting" and "math" homeschooling lessons during the moving process-ha!

We are absolutely loving our new house. It is beautiful to see how God orchestrates things.   It is obvious to us that he made this house, back in 1979, for our family!!!  I am going to do a separate post about all my favorite spots at our new property just to document.   But, it really couldn't be more perfect!

Drew getting to know his "country side" a little better.
We've absolutely loved exploring all the new areas at and around our property.  A new adventure awaits each day!   Luke has barely touched any of his toys also, which I think is awesome.  He is doing what I did growing up.  He is playing all day outside and coming in only to eat.  We all are spending so much more time at home and enjoying the outdoors than before.   We feel truly blessed and are so thankful to God! 

All the pictures above were taken with the only camera I had around at the time--my phone.  I also captured some more photos with our good camera below last weekend.  I mowed the lawn, which is a little over one and a half acres.  But, there was this beautiful patch of wildflowers and I just couldn't bring myself to mow it down.  The sun sets just beyond our property and we can see it each night from our kitchen table.  (It is a wonderful reminder of God's amazing beauty and creation at the end of each day).  As I was mowing, I envisioned taking photos of the kids playing in the flowers during sunset, with the gorgeous setting sun just beyond them.  So, that is what I did that evening.  Here are some of the images I captured.  We have a few that I am definitely planning on printing!

Sorry for the overload, but I was just giddy about the most perfect God-made backdrop!  I feel like these photos capture the carefree nature that a child has.  When I look back at these photos, it just makes me want to take a deep breath of fresh air as they just warm my heart and make me smile.

I love her "flower-sniffing face".

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."
(Psalms 127:3-5 ESV)

Check back soon for more posts...

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